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Unravelling DNA

Q.) Does the unravelling or fraying of DNA cause the symptoms of aging?

Q.) Does it cause cancer and/or other illnesses?

Q.) Do weaknesses in DNA allow for outside influences such as viruses, bacterias, fungi, &/or radiation restructure DNA so that the cell it’s in doesn’t behave the way it should or die?

I can’t find straight answers to these questions on the internet. If at least some of the above is true, I have a thought. Something that could arrest or retard the development of illness &/or the symptoms of aging.

What if there were a way to introduce a molecule (to be determined) into a DNA molecule that draws the double helix into a circle and firmly hold it in that shape? In my imagination, that would make it much more difficult for the DNA to be changed by outside


I can even image that such a thing could give us with, lets say, “indefinite longevity”. Yes, I know.. far out there, man. But then, so was Jules Verne’s idea of a man flying to the moon.

Obviously, if the aforementioned is possible at all, it raises many more questions:

Can some kind of Gene Therapy “update” the DNA of existing humans to the new and improved version?

Would the modified DNA still work? Would Meiosis and Mitosis still work?


I found this but I don't quite know if it's talking about the same thing or if it applies to Human DNA.

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