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The Soul

It is my belief that the soul is not a separate entity living within a person. I believe it is the result of life. A person’s consciousness, identity, awareness, thought process, character, dreams, desires, and so forth are a part of his or her soul. It is the mind.

To my Creationist friends, compare the following misquote to Gen 2:7.

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man received a living soul.”

Did man receive a soul or become a soul? You might also look at Ecc 9:5 “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.” (Until the resurrection (1 Thes 4:13-17)).

As an atheist, I don’t believe in any type of “afterlife”, but even when I was a Christian (SDA), I believed that the soul dies with the body when the brain’s electro-chemical functions cease.

Now, if we are on the same page regarding the soul, let us proceed:

The soul (or mind) is almost always kept secluded deep within, and that is a shame. One’s soul should radiate beyond the flesh to be *seen and *felt by all. The corporeal body’s purpose is to keep the brain (and thus the soul) alive and serve its needs and wants.

With the body properly shrouded within the soul, one will lose the suppositious need to adorn the carnal body. With the soul properly exposed, one will want to embellish it instead.

It is not without cause that the soul is usually kept hidden away. We all have plenty of blemishes and perhaps festering sores within making us ashamed of our own souls. However, it is only by bringing the soul to the surface along with its baggage, that we can fix it and make it beautiful once more. Can there be anything more beautiful than the soul of an innocent young child? Let's make the return to that state our goal.

Anyone who is determined to be evil &/or intentionally causes harm to others will not be willing to have his or her soul exposed. Luckily, actions speak volumes so we may avoid them if we can maintain the clarity of mind to perceive them.

*An exposed soul is not literally visible or tangible, yet its radiance can tend to blind the observer to the physical blemishes, disfigurement, or generally unpicturesqueness of the owner.

If you wish to live soul-side-out and enjoy a life on a plane above the average human, set an appointment to see me at

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